About Me

My photo
er, me a dono wo XD ahahah... if u wan know about me ah ..erm joke around play around make fun of ppl and so on... haha laugh like mad and voice damm loud til ppl don like my voice haha cus too noisy..... add me msn and then chat with me lo XD hehe rickson_lkh@hotmail.com

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

update photo XD ahaha.. lolz.. well that all the environment lo =) wher noodle station is XD haha.. kinda boring place lol. but we 3 hav fun !!

last but not least =) THE MAN !! got caught using phone at noodle station XD

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hehe, kinda late reply due to exam XD

this is what i do when i waiting for the both of them in a class room = =!!

having meal at noodle station =) hehe..nice nice lolz. this is wht she order XD honeylemon

lol.. my drinks lolz

this is wht i alwys eat lolz = =!! will nvr change when i go noodle station = ) cus is too nice le .

well, didn update cus busy with studies and some games lo =) hehe
ok la. lets start with last friday =) hehe.

got ffk almost again lolz. both of them overslpt again lolz. so i am all alone at the class from 11am wait until 1pm. only they come..

then one of the girl said so sorry and desided to belanja us meal lo XD hahaa
actually the guy also wan belanja, cus her mom didn masuk duit into his bank so no money zor lo =0

lol. well ok la.. we have our meal at noodles station. this is their first time at there! and me ?? lolz dono how many times already !

food there is nice and so so llo the prize =) he

and we hav alot of joke hahaha .. eating while talking lolz !!funny la lolz..
i try to upload one of the picture that is damn funny when we caught that guy on the phone XD hahaa.. erm 2moro i try to upload la =) he

after lunch then we all head back lo =) hehe.. 5pm go badminton as usual =) hehe
and u know wht had happen ? lolz. alot ppl didn turn up lolz.
all busy with their finals lolz.

hehe and we talk and hav fun there also =) hehe..

next day saturday =)
was late for piano classs =+ =! teacher scolded me say if i ever late again, there is no replacement any more T_T
i was so scare! at least i done his homework XD hahaa.. all the way to clas lol =)

was going to borrow his piano for my next performence with my family in my dad's friend party =) buy due to teacher's student need to use !

so postpone to next week =) hehe nvm we can wait lolz ..
thn at night, hmmm what did i do = =!! oo ya.. didn go out hahaa stay at home pcing gaming lolz..

less chat at msn lolz. cus no ppl T_T
well view some bloggs =)
was wanted to post but dono y foget XD

well sunday hm.. was plan to go tample with my sister.. but cant wake up, cus also thinks even i go there also dono do wht XD ahah so i didn go lo =)

hmm..at night. helping sister paint the project for her working place =) hehe lolz..

DEEPAVALI =) monday lolz..

went my aunty's house for deepavali celebreation =) cus one of my aunty is an indian =) hehe.. so from now on. i can celebrate whtever fastival le =) hehe beside hari raya lolz !!

hmm food was totally nice =) love it so much .. i even aact like them using hand to eat lolz =) heh so geng le =) ..

nice nioce.. most of the cousins was there lolz.. =) hehe

enjoy.. but didn take any pictures la .. lol lazy lo =) hehe. i should hav do that like my friend =) leeyien do XD ahaha take picture then can post ma lolz..

hmmm.. taht all for my first day deepavali celebration luu~~

after that go back home lo =) slp and

THE END lolz

Thursday, October 23, 2008

FFK..ed by 2 friends haiz..

well today kena ffk by 2 friends T_T so sad.. early early morning wake up rush all the way to collage then so happly can do revision togather de.!! suddenly = =!! swt . others 2 didn show up !! left me and my another friend alone there !! it was so boring la !!

doing law some more T_T wanna die already ! suffer le!!
then we both from 10 am do until 12 pm !!
keep trying to call him. yet he didn pick up the phone @.@ guess wht??100+++ misscall XD ahah i made for him !! lolz

then another girl told me that she overslpt = =!! and hope to postpone the time of revision togather lol !! and guess wht ! !the postpone is at 4 pm swt !! lolz

then i wait until 4pm.. then one of the girl came! but one of another friend cabut already T_T ZZZ

still left me and the other girl!! cant do anything lolz!!! blurzz @@!!swt
then that guy called and said!! hei wher u all? lolz.. and he still at home - -!! saying not coming swt !!can change to tomoro !!

i was like WALAO eh!!! from morning said 4pm come now 4pm +++ til 5pm only call say ffk cannot come lol !!

aha then nvm lo ! me and that girl chit chat lo XD hahaha .
hmm quite nice de lolz!! after finish then go back luuU~~


2nd story hehe...
well. i really wish that i could talk to u again like last time as a " friend " is that so hard !! y i cant face it 1 !! why each time when face you i don't know wht to said ?? wher is my braveness like before ...
wher did it goes to !! y am i like this now !! y is it so hard to talk to u back !! why !!

or mayb the one who still don wan to talk is me !! but i know that is not you ! haiz.. i know that u don even really .. care of wht happend before !! haiz.. can easily walk awy i guess !!

but i don't know why i cant ! why !

can i asked god why is it so hard to talk to a person that already have a bad time before !! why !! T_T

any 1 can tell me ? or leave me some comment pls T_T

really important !!

welll !! GOOD LUCK FOR ALL MY FRIENDS IN INTI for the final exam !!!!! GAM BA TEI !! especially ........ swt - -!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

EXAm Exam

I am gonna face a big big problem le la . how how !!

exam coming nearer and nearer.. i started to panic already !! how how !!

law.. OMG
management.. OMGGG

omg omg !! wht life started to be head already lol !!

well.. i guess i still need to go for the final exam just to get the damn = =!! @@#@^$@&#%# lo haha

wel no choice le la . lol

gambatei !! pls pls cheerrr for hamster =)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

sorry for being lazy to bloog

ok la .. i am totally sorry of late updatesz.. actually there is some reasons de la ..

well i got some injury few days ago lo =X

got 2 stitches on my forehead eyes brow there walao !! it was a totally mass .!!! massing up my face le !!

after this accidents happen !! my mom totally.. freak out and said !!

RICKSON wht hgappen to ur face OMG !! 2 stitch le !! it was like !!

hei mom, whts the big deal = =!! lolz..

ok lets me tell u the story la =)

it goes like this, hehe one day , as usual, i went for badminton lo =) hehe then having fun playing badminton..

then i join with a gal.. playing with others 2.. which means
2vs2 match la .. double =)

hehe then the guy surving the ball to me.. and then he starts with a far ball..
so i fall back and wanted to hit the ball..

SUDDENLY !! POP !! my head kena hit by her's racket O.O!! i was like @@!! deeezee alreday!!

so i almost fainted and i ly on the floor and using my head to hold the place that she hit!!

then she asking me am i ok or not !! then i use the hand that i holding it and wave to her said,... nth =) i am ok..

but then she freaks out and tell me !! OMG.. u bleeding O.O!!

i was like WHT !!! OMG when i looking at my own hands and was like OMG OMG OMG bleeding = =!!

then every1 starts to come over here and look at me..
then this guy.. come and help me to clean up some blood then bring me to clinic lo =)

and he told me.. " rick, i guess u need some stitches on ur forehead, i was like WHAT ?? ARE U SERIOUS !!! i am totally .. scare and then yoongweei the chairperson of the badminton club brings me to the nearest clinic at subang there!!

then doctor do some stitches on my head = =!! and she told me that they don have the some sort of medic to put "suntik" to me de XD ahha my english not that good don't know whts that call XD.. but then she just put some pain i guess is this word hehe... anasesthesia!!! she don't have that.

so she just use pain killer lo - -!!
i was ..hmm.. do that hurt ?? lolz..
when the time she said.. i am sorry ah i gonna starts the stitch and there goes the first stitches = =!! it was so horrible .and painfull until i don dare to scream out - -!! Is was like OMG !! pls pls stop it and quickly over !!

then the 2nd stitches goes again. i almost wanted to cry out = =!!

then finally finish = =!! Lolz..

then payment !! RM60 <-- kinda big ammount huh !

well then take of the stitches also cost RM10<--- lolz!!

well ther goes my story hehe.. the end lolz..

hehe cus of this i don't really have moood to update 1! hehe

sorry to all ...

and rachel jie jie !! O.O!! teach me how to blog la hahaha

Look at it.. damm ugly la O.O!! i am gonna be the 2nd harry potter XD hahaah

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

very deep love~~~ <3

> > 爱的感觉,总是在一开始觉得很甜蜜,
> > 总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担,
> > 你终於不再孤单了,至少有一个人想著你、恋著你,
> > 不论做什么事情,
> > 只要能一起,就是好的,
> > 但是慢慢的,随著彼此的认识愈深,
> > 你开始发现了对方的缺点,
> > 於是问题一个接著一个发生,
> > 你开始烦、累,甚至想要逃避,
> > 有人说爱情就像在捡石头,
> > 总想捡到一个适合自己的,
> > 但是你又如何知道什么时候能够捡到呢?
> > *她适合你,那你又适合她吗?
> > 其实,爱情就像磨石子一样,
> > 或许刚捡到的时候,你不是那么的满意,
> > 但是记住人是有弹性的,
> > 很多事情是可以改变的,
> > 只要你有心、有勇气,
> > 与其到处去捡未知的石头,
> > 还不如好好的将自己已经拥有的石头磨亮磨,你开始磨了吗?
> > 很多人以为是因为感情淡了,
> > 所以人才会变得懒惰。
> > 错!
> > 其实是人先被惰性征服,
> > 所以感情才会变淡的。
> >
> > *在某个聚餐的场合, 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好, 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆还是我的女朋友的时候,她说要吃十只虾,我就剥二十只给她! 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了,还剥虾壳咧!
> >
> > *听到了吗?明白了吗?
> > 难怪越来越多人只想要谈一辈子的恋爱,却迟迟不肯走入婚姻。
> > 因为,婚姻容易让人变得懒惰。
> > 如果每个人都
> > 懒得讲话、
> > 懒得倾听、
> > 懒得制造惊喜、
> > 懒得温柔体贴,
> > 那么夫妻或是情人之间,
> > 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢?
> > 所以请记住:
> > 有活力的爱情,
> > 是需要适度殷勤灌溉的,
> > 谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒的喔!
> >
> > *有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延误了, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟到了30多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说: 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等你了! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃了, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了
> >
> > *同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友说:我想你一定忙坏了吧! 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪了, 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。
> >
> > 你体会到了吗?
> > *其实爱、恨往往只是在我们的一念之间!
> >
> > 爱不仅要懂得宽容更要及时, 很多事可能只是在於你心境的转变罢了!
> > 懂了吗?
> > 当有个人爱上你,而你也觉得他不错。
> > 那并不代表你会选择他。
> > *我们总说:我要找一个你很爱很爱的人,才会谈恋爱。
> > 但是当对方问你,怎样才算是很爱很爱的时候,
> > 你可能无法回答他,因为你自己也不知道。
> >
> > *没错,我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。
> > 可是後来,当我们猛然回首,我们才会发觉自己曾经多么天真。
> > 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?
> > 其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的。
> > 或许每个人都希望能够找到自己心目中百分之百的伴侣,
> > 但是你有没有想过在你身边会不会早已经有人默默对你付出很久了,只是你没发 觉而已呢?
> > 所以,还是仔细看看身边的人吧!
> > 他或许已经等你很久喽!
> >
> > *当你爱一个人的时候,爱到八分绝对刚刚好。
> > 所有的期待和希望都只有七八分;剩下两三分用来爱自己。
> > 如果你还继续爱得更多,很可能会给对方沉重的压力,让彼此喘不过气来, 完全丧失了爱情的乐趣。
> >
> > *所以请记住,
> > 喝酒不要超过六分醉,
> > 吃饭不要超过七分饱,
> > 爱一个人不要超过八分
> >
> > *那天朋友问我:到底该怎么做才算是爱一个人呢?
> > 我笑著跟他说:其实每个人的爱情观都不一样,说对了叫开导,但就怕说错反倒变成误导。那就糟糕了!
> >
> > *如果你也正在为爱迷惘,或许下面这段话可以给你一些启示:
> > 爱一个人,要了解,也要开解;
> > 要道歉,也要道谢;
> > 要认错,也要改错;
> > 要体贴,也要体谅;
> > 是接受,而不是忍受;
> > 是宽容,而不是纵容;
> > 是支持,而不是支配;
> > 是慰问,而不是质问;
> > 是倾诉,而不是控诉;
> > 是难忘,而不是遗忘;
> > 是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代;
> > 是为对方默默祈求,
> > 而不是向对方诸多要求;
> > 可以浪漫,但不要浪费;
> > 可以随时牵手,但不要随便分手。

Monday, October 6, 2008

Love Story. Touching

An amazing Love Story

He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after

her, while he so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the

party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but


to being polite, she promised. They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was


nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought, please,


me go home.... suddenly he asked the waiter. 'would you please give me

some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.'

Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but still, he

put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously; why


have this hobby? He replied: 'when I was a little boy, I was living near

the sea, I like playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea,
just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty

coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my

hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there'. While

saying that tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched..

That's his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can


out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home,

has responsibility of home. Then she also started to speak, spoke about

her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice

talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story.

They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets


her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful. He was

such a good person but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty


Then the story was just like every beautiful love story , the princess

married to the prince, then they were living the happy life... And,


time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee e, as she

knew that's the way he liked it.

After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said: 'My


please forgive me, forgive my whole life lie. This was the only lie I


to you---the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so

nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt It


hard for me to change so I just went ahead.I never thought that could be

the start of our communication! I tried to tell you the truth many times

in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to


to you for anything..

Now I'm dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don't like

the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the salty

coffee for my whole life! Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for

anything I do for you.. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my

whole life. If I can live for the second time, still want to know you


have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee


Her tears made the letter totally wet.Someday, someone asked her: what's

the taste of salty coffee?

It's sweet. She replied.

Love is not 2 forget but 2 forgive, not 2 c but 2 understand, not 2 hear

but 2 listen, not 2 let go but 2 HOLD ON !!!!

Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one

you like will leave you for the one they love.

Find one, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.

Who calls you back when you hang up on him.

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.

Who holds your hand in front of his friends.

Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he

cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.

Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, '...that's


Sunday, October 5, 2008

BRoken Hearts

saw this pictures at google =) looks nice to me... =) hehe.. so i decided to post it =)

Friday, October 3, 2008


BAD DAY !! y y y y y !!!!

see the scratch !!! OMG !! black in colour some more

LOok bonnet like going to fall offff OMG !!!!!

why why...haiz.. today i borrow my mom's vios go play badminton T_T then on the way back OMG !!! GOT BANG by 2 STUPID CAR !! damn... i stopped already la = =!! y he still wanna bang me swt = =!! cant he see the stupid traffic light ??? REDLIGHT !!! RED RED RED !!!!!! damn !!

stupid teenager = =!! don't even know how to drive OMG !! swt... damn he don't want to pay = =!! so i called my mom and got scolded haiz....

then she asked me to clame the opponent's insurences ...

well wht else can i do ARGG !

that guy was totally freak out = =!! looking at his face, turning green lol..

must be speeding then didn't see the stupid RED LIGHT !!!!!!!

then bang the stupid waja behind me, then bang me walao !!

look at my bonnet, like going to fall out lol....

then i almost bang infront of the car.. but jus a bit scratch XD hehe.. no nonid clame my insurance lolz...

damn la... pissed me off !!! OOOOMMMMMGGGG LA !!

stupid la...

damn pissed off...

damm now i cant drive the vios anymore T_T

very sad ah !!!!!!!!!