My Holidays Gonna End soon, I gonna Spend the rest of the time , enjoying to the max..
But first of all.. i will take half or mayb more of the time to hav time with her~~ ^^
don know she will or not...
just wish that one day . i could really hear a word " i do "
thn i am the most luckiest guy in the world..
u won't be beliving wht i said, until u give me a chances to prove it to you~~
help me guys =) giv me straight , giv me support, give me cheer, everything~~
my friends , my brorzzz~ , my coll's family .. help me up~~
for my own , love life, i gonna starts here~~ if i success.. i not gonna .. let it go so easily again.. just like one of my Brozz~~ name " Kenneth " u are the best buddy, that i ever seen that nvr give up on his love.. and proof to me that how much he love his gf, taking Good care of her~~..
i wish one day i might like him... nvr give up..~~
this makes him strong in his love life.. well.. giv me straight bro..~~
well.... all the best ... ~~
Topic 2,
Jealous? does this word , and feels comes from loves?
or its just poping out from no where??
i wonder alots of things..
why would this feelings come....
does this feeling comes from love ? like that i said above?
i don get it , whn comes to love, there would be jealous ..
how do we control it ? can make it dissppear??
u know ? i don knoe~~
does this feeling a good sight , or a bad sight??
wht if loves nvr come ??? will jealous exist ??
@#$@#($* # alots of question coming through my mind..
??O(@_@)o ??? I gonna get Crazy
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
This is wht about me~~~
白羊座的人令人觉得他开朗而热情。即使他内心是有那麽点害羞,表面上仍可以很自在大。方当一头白羊愁眉苦脸时,只会出现在他家里镜子中。他再伤心,就是不 会在别人面前摆出苦旦脸。好强?可以这麽说。谁不好强呢?其实白羊座的人仍会向朋友吐苦水,但真正的眼泪,你是看不到的。> > >> 一群朋友,开开心心的,在阳光下嬉耍,是白羊座最怀念的美好时光。悲郁的人生绝不是白羊座的人所向往的,不幸陷入时,他也会极 力设法让自己不要太相信会就这麽过一生,他全心希望有一个新生活。> > ▲ 爱恨分明不> 吃回头草 ▲> >> 白羊座的人爱恨分明,爱就是爱,恨就是恨。不过A型白羊,对「恨」这个字眼没多大兴趣,他是不爱就是不爱而已。在爱情上,白 羊是相当乾脆的,不喜拖泥带水,属於行动派,要求立见真章。他们最不能忍受一厢情愿。> >> > 凡是白羊决定不要的东西,绝不会再捡回来,否则他无颜面对自己。不吃回头草,也是白羊座人好强的证据。由於白羊座对爱情具有童话格,要求纯洁、唯一与童 稚心的恋情,与旧情人复燃爱曲当然是白羊座不屑的。> >> 谈恋爱时,白羊座> 的人是不会骗你的,大可放心。但是他的爱意来得快,去得快。除非你有超强的吸引力,一旦一头白羊陷入不可自拔的情网时,你要抽身,也就很难了。那将会是悲 剧的下场。你也得不到好处。> > ▲> 乐观乃天性不是不悲> 观▲> >> 白羊座天性乐观,但长大後遭遇到的事了,他们也会悲观到了极点。只不过悲观归悲观,既然不想死,活下去就得乐观点,日子才会 有趣些。因此白羊座的人只不过是不把悲观当一回事,并不是不悲观。而他们乐观的天性极具感染力,你得稳着点,以免误陷入一塌糊涂的乐观绝地之 中。>> >> 白羊行使侠义的性格,使他能结交许多剖心相见的朋友。但是他对朋友的要求也很高,不少人受不了白羊座对朋友的殷殷期许。自然 啦,白羊对情人、对丈夫(或妻子)、对同事,也都有些标准在心中测量。与标准不符时,他便会觉沮丧、食欲不振。现实的人永难成为白羊座人的朋友。> > ▲ 爆发型的浪漫 ▲> >> 白羊座的人当然是漫的,> 但是是属於爆发型的浪漫。公羊、母羊皆如此。一点一滴积出来的浪漫,对白羊座来,强度不够,只觉累赘、厚重,这种浪漫容易分叉、断裂。白羊座喜欢在庆典的 夜晚,与情人并肩仰望烟火在夜空中爆放出光芒万丈,而那也正象徵着爱情发生的瞬间,浪漫不过了。> >> > 当白羊座处於浪漫的瞬间,几乎没有什麽事可以挪动他们的感性。浪漫过後他显然全已清醒,接下来端看那瞬间爆发的浪漫,到底能在他的记忆中存留多,久 才能知他到底有多在乎曾经发生过的感动。> >> 因此,你也可以推论> 出,工作、事业、婚姻、友情都不在白羊浪漫的范畴中,他对这些反是以细水长流的方式经营。「徒步越过爱琴岛是可能的,你只要逐岛跳过去就行了」> > ▲ 嗨!我在这里 ▲> >> 必等到风吹> 草低见牛羊的那一刻,你便会远远看到有只羊在拚命蹬踢他强健的小蹄子,在半空中跳跃,向你打招呼:「嗨!我在这里。」> >> 是的,白羊座的人就是这麽令人觉得他开朗而热情。即使他内> 心是有那麽一点害羞,表面上仍可以很自在、大方。当一头白羊愁眉苦脸时,只会出现在他家镜子中。他再伤心,就是不会在别人面摆出苦旦脸。好强?可以这麽 说。谁不好强呢?其实白羊座的人仍会向朋友吐苦水,但真正的眼泪,你是看不到的。> >> 一群> 朋友,开开心心的,在阳光下嬉耍,是白羊座最怀念的美好时光。悲郁的人生绝不是一头白羊所向往的,不幸陷入时,他也会极力设法让自己不要太相信就这麽过一 生,他会全心希望有一个新生活。> > ▲> 正经八百的,会要他> 的命▲> >> 白羊座出现在高贵、华丽的场合中,不会显得格格不入,但是他自己却难受得要命,因为他不能自在地跷二郎腿,不能在高兴时放浪 形骸。正经八百的,会要他的命。> >> 一般社会上流行的娱乐,白> 羊座都能欣然加作,但是他本来就有的独特娱乐品味也不会放弃。也就是说很爱听歌剧,但也喜欢到卡拉OK高歌一曲。基本上,白羊座的是很雅、俗共赏的。他们 的适应很强,但又随遇而安。在白羊的心中总是有一个更好的天堂在等着他。> >> 白> 羊座的人对於生命力旺盛的人,特别注意。他喜欢被专家领导,不会随便怀疑,一旦怀疑便打入十八层地狱。而他成为专家时,也不要随便怀疑他,如果你不能拿出 令他心服口服的证据,你将永不能再从他那里得到训诲。> > ▲> 若不能举足轻> 重,宁可自动消失 ▲> >> 白羊座的人常因过度自信而冲动行事,又因冲动行事失败而自毁信心。对白羊座的人来说,叁思而後行是比较好的。在一个团体中, 白羊座若不能举足轻重,他宁可自动消失,并且不会以任何藉口。消失就消失了,这里不是我的王国,他把自己在团体中的角色看得很重,相对地也愿意承担更多的 责任,他不会认为自己可以不劳而获。一旦劳了还是没有获得的时候就绝不恋栈。> >> 他的自尊心强,你的> 一句「老实说」会伤他的心许久。如果你问他会不会表演空中飞人,他心中盘算自己应可胜任,便会点头,答应你一个後的表演,这一个月中他就会勤加苦练。而对 於自己没有把握的事,白羊座的人是不至於去强出头的。> > ▲> 爱情是一生> 中最大的课题 ▲> >> 白羊是很容易不耐烦的。在恋爱中,你得把那些小把戏收藏起来,他可受不了什麽「考验」之类的事。既然爱他就应该信任他。不管 公羊、母羊,他们对爱情都是十分认真的。对他们来说,爱情有两种,一种是真的,一种是假的。假情爱情,极易发生在冲动而善感的白羊座身上,但很快会结束, 并且会像是从未发生过。真正的爱情,是白羊座一生中最大的课题,他总觉得这个课题怎麽写也写不完整。> >> 友情与友情是白羊> 座不可或缺的两大支柱。当爱情没着落时,他们可靠着这两大支柱中的任一项,发展他的事业。即使他十七岁时就有了结婚的对象,但到了七十岁若未结婚,他也仍 在心中保有一个结婚对象,这是他的乐天知命所使然。> > ▲ 相信小精灵的孩> 子 ▲> >> 仅管白羊座的人长得人高马大,他仍是个孩子,他一直保有天真的一面,即使长大了,他还是相信世界上有小精灵的存在。有时白羊 座的人相当幼稚,可是他绝不是不聪明,他的反应可快得很呢!> >> 他有带头当第> 一的强烈欲望,做第二免谈。所以他做起事来动作很快,甚少优柔寡断。他非常自信,深信自己处理事务的能力无人可及。他也从不向命运低头,仅管挫折一次又一 次的出现。他信任所有的人,很少会去怀疑别人是否会对他不利,而他的勇敢也使他能不断地站在最前面。> > >> 与白羊座的人相处时,你必须注意一些重要的关键,他是个喜欢争先的人,这是所有白羊座的天性,所以有时你必须要有心理准备。他 说话或做事都相当直接,很少会跟你拐弯抹角,他也相当诚实,只要一说谎就很容易被人察觉。> >> 他是> 个不擅处理细节的人,所以,如果你想请他处理些较细微的工作的话,倒不如自己做还来的恰当些。
Saturday, December 19, 2009
i am sorry , and i Promise
I'm sorry it happended
I’m sorry for the tears you shed
I’m sorry for the damage I made
I’m sorry for giving you sleepless nights
I’m sorry I made you sick
I’m sorry of being so emotional
I'm sorry for being a lot more jealous then you think
I’m sorry of being a little too possessive
I'm sorry for the things i've done that you havn't agreed with
I'm sorry for not giving you enough of the happiness I wanted to give you
I'm sorry if i'm saying sorry too much
I'm sorry if this is making you cry
I'm sorry for hiding or putting things off from you because I was scared
I promise to gain your trust back no matter what it takes
I promise not to make you worry so much
I promise to think things through
I promise When your day seems blue and you don't know what to do,
call me and i'll be waiting there for you
I promise you no more drama
I promise I will never cause us to be apart
I promise to keep our love strong to get through anything
I promise to always be there for you
I promise to give you all the love your heart can hold
I promise to never hide anything from you ever again
I promise I will never lie to you
I promise to be the best boyfriend that I can be
I promise to always love you, for the rest of my life
My one last promise, I promise that I not only will love you for the rest of my life,
but I want to be with you for the rest of my life
and if by some chance I forgot to promise you something, then i'll sum it all up in one big promise,
I promise to be the best I can be and to only make you happy and to love you for you and you only and nothing else
It's something I swore I'd never do
I had never planned on it happening,
I just didn't know what to do
I didn't mean to lie and I didn't mean to keep it from you,
I don't know what I was thinking,
I guess I didn't think it through
I am so in love with you
and can't live without you
and even though you tell me it's ok,
I know that I really did hurt you
If I could, I would go back
and tell you everything without a second thought
I know you have lost trust in me whether you admit to it or not,
but i'm more than willing to gain it all back
every bit of trust that I ever lost
I want to prove to you that i'm truly sorry and it wont happen again
I'm sorry I did this and I will try to make it better
and have things go back all together
If you only knew that true pain I felt
I seem to just can't say sorry enough
but I know that sometimes it just isn't enough
I'm willing to do anything to have your trust back
I had never planned on it happening,
I just didn't know what to do
I didn't mean to lie and I didn't mean to keep it from you,
I don't know what I was thinking,
I guess I didn't think it through
I am so in love with you
and can't live without you
and even though you tell me it's ok,
I know that I really did hurt you
If I could, I would go back
and tell you everything without a second thought
I know you have lost trust in me whether you admit to it or not,
but i'm more than willing to gain it all back
every bit of trust that I ever lost
I want to prove to you that i'm truly sorry and it wont happen again
I'm sorry I did this and I will try to make it better
and have things go back all together
If you only knew that true pain I felt
I seem to just can't say sorry enough
but I know that sometimes it just isn't enough
I'm willing to do anything to have your trust back
I’m sorry for the tears you shed
I’m sorry for the damage I made
I’m sorry for giving you sleepless nights
I’m sorry I made you sick
I’m sorry of being so emotional
I'm sorry for being a lot more jealous then you think
I’m sorry of being a little too possessive
I'm sorry for the things i've done that you havn't agreed with
I'm sorry for not giving you enough of the happiness I wanted to give you
I'm sorry if i'm saying sorry too much
I'm sorry if this is making you cry
I'm sorry for hiding or putting things off from you because I was scared
Over all, I'm sorry if I did anything that made you unhappy
Everything in my head just keeps spinning around,
Millions of things going round and round
Here are some true promises that I intend to keep and I will never break
Everything in my head just keeps spinning around,
Millions of things going round and round
Here are some true promises that I intend to keep and I will never break
I promise to gain your trust back no matter what it takes
I promise not to make you worry so much
I promise to think things through
I promise When your day seems blue and you don't know what to do,
call me and i'll be waiting there for you
I promise you no more drama
I promise I will never cause us to be apart
I promise to keep our love strong to get through anything
I promise to always be there for you
I promise to give you all the love your heart can hold
I promise to never hide anything from you ever again
I promise I will never lie to you
I promise to be the best boyfriend that I can be
I promise to always love you, for the rest of my life
My one last promise, I promise that I not only will love you for the rest of my life,
but I want to be with you for the rest of my life
and if by some chance I forgot to promise you something, then i'll sum it all up in one big promise,
I promise to be the best I can be and to only make you happy and to love you for you and you only and nothing else
Friday, December 18, 2009
A day to Pavilion
我出门的时候,心想会不会真的塞车。。果然真的 =,=!!
我们就去了pavilion的food court 哪里吃。。
然后想到要去看戏。就排队咯。。真的是人山人海 =,=!!
终于到我们了。。 =,=
居然全部戏都差不多要卖完了,只好看 princess of the Frog~~~
我们居然把他时间当成5.30分 =,=!!
所以这套戏一定要去看。真的很好看~~ =)
我们就坐在 =,= 人山人海的地方。。再等时间。。
哦~~报告出现了,那个announcer 说pavilion外面将会有下雪的现象
这时候,人真的是多到 =,=好像蚂蚁这样子。为起来整个的pavilion的entrences
8.00点到了。。终于雪就下了 =,=原来。。。
其实, sunway piramid 都有这样做过,他们跟好的是用冰块来抛成雪的。。
好了一天又过了。。真的很高兴有人陪我来 =)
首先我要谢谢我的兄弟,ken带路 through电话。。真的很谢谢他。。
我出门的时候,心想会不会真的塞车。。果然真的 =,=!!
我们就去了pavilion的food court 哪里吃。。
然后想到要去看戏。就排队咯。。真的是人山人海 =,=!!
终于到我们了。。 =,=
居然全部戏都差不多要卖完了,只好看 princess of the Frog~~~
我们居然把他时间当成5.30分 =,=!!
所以这套戏一定要去看。真的很好看~~ =)
我们就坐在 =,= 人山人海的地方。。再等时间。。
哦~~报告出现了,那个announcer 说pavilion外面将会有下雪的现象
这时候,人真的是多到 =,=好像蚂蚁这样子。为起来整个的pavilion的entrences
8.00点到了。。终于雪就下了 =,=原来。。。
其实, sunway piramid 都有这样做过,他们跟好的是用冰块来抛成雪的。。
好了一天又过了。。真的很高兴有人陪我来 =)
首先我要谢谢我的兄弟,ken带路 through电话。。真的很谢谢他。。
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I heard My friend saying Pavillion has a Greatest Decoration~~ Hmm.. i Wonder Is THat nice ??? LOLZ.. Haven Been there Hmm.. This Coming Friday.. I am going THere by MY self?
plus i Heard they say AT night 8pm, The lights will On, ANd the Whole Pavilion WIll Be like In THe heaven of Christmas~~
I Can't Wait to See it..DOes now 2009 Decoration OF Pavilion christmas wiLL Looks Like The Pictures Bellow ?
plus i Heard they say AT night 8pm, The lights will On, ANd the Whole Pavilion WIll Be like In THe heaven of Christmas~~
I Can't Wait to See it..DOes now 2009 Decoration OF Pavilion christmas wiLL Looks Like The Pictures Bellow ?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
FreeDom, Why Does it So Hard TO Claim A FreeDom From THe PArents?
why so hard??
is every1 the same ? or just me??
i know u care bout me, but , i also need freedom..~~
i am 21, i am not 12, i need Fredom, i need enjoy, i need to see the world??
how long u wants me to stay in house?? forever?
whn i was young, i often stay at home facing computers, and u complain,
thn fine, i went out spend money to playing computers, u complain,
thn Okie~~ i don play computers, i went play basketball during night, Yet u Complain again,
Okiez thn Fine, i don go for basketball, i Go for studies at my friends house, U complain again n again,
Is ok , i don't go often, thn i go my friends house to play computers, AGAin , u complain~
Wht u want me to do?? sitting in the house facing the TV, all day long? not going out ? no entertainment? no Nothn? I am 21, i am not 12 or even 2 years old....
pls~~~ i know u care for me, i know all the times, yet i just want alittle freedom thats all~~~
why so hard??
is every1 the same ? or just me??
i know u care bout me, but , i also need freedom..~~
i am 21, i am not 12, i need Fredom, i need enjoy, i need to see the world??
how long u wants me to stay in house?? forever?
whn i was young, i often stay at home facing computers, and u complain,
thn fine, i went out spend money to playing computers, u complain,
thn Okie~~ i don play computers, i went play basketball during night, Yet u Complain again,
Okiez thn Fine, i don go for basketball, i Go for studies at my friends house, U complain again n again,
Is ok , i don't go often, thn i go my friends house to play computers, AGAin , u complain~
Wht u want me to do?? sitting in the house facing the TV, all day long? not going out ? no entertainment? no Nothn? I am 21, i am not 12 or even 2 years old....
pls~~~ i know u care for me, i know all the times, yet i just want alittle freedom thats all~~~
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Made a Goal , A target, a Promise to MY self~~
From Now On, If i Ever Had A gf, I will Quit all my Bad Habbit
example " smoke?, Dota?, Quit GOing Cyber Cafe..?"
i will Completely Quit the both Above..
If i ManaGe To Get "z a h s b e s l a e l r k d q s " <- - - Her ~~
try to figure it out the name, there is Some words nvr use ^^ try to guess a name out thn ^^ HEHE..
If i really really really hav the chance to be with her ? i WIlL Quit .. HAHA~~
mayb More stuff i will Quit , If She WanteD me To~~ HAHA..
mayb not heR? others girl too~~ HEHE... ALot more..
HEHE.... Am I lUcKY EnOuGh?? Is My Faiths Coming? Reached?
example " smoke?, Dota?, Quit GOing Cyber Cafe..?"
i will Completely Quit the both Above..
If i ManaGe To Get "z a h s b e s l a e l r k d q s " <- - - Her ~~
try to figure it out the name, there is Some words nvr use ^^ try to guess a name out thn ^^ HEHE..
If i really really really hav the chance to be with her ? i WIlL Quit .. HAHA~~
mayb More stuff i will Quit , If She WanteD me To~~ HAHA..
mayb not heR? others girl too~~ HEHE... ALot more..
HEHE.... Am I lUcKY EnOuGh?? Is My Faiths Coming? Reached?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Every1 Have a Dream, And Every one Wishing the Dream comes true...
i Hopping MY dream comes true also ~~~ and most of my closest Friend should know whts my Dream...
Well.. hopping to meet a right person, Ms Right HEHE...
Really hopping to Spend time with Ms Right... Hopping to Give all my love, care and everythin for her...
Well.. waiting and waiting... God told me to wait another 3 years whn i am 23... so now.. 1 year pass by..
Another 1 year more ... Hopping i will found 1 too~~ .. Praying hard..
i know every1 says that i am desprate for it.. but i don think this is call desprate ..
=,=!! really don know why, why they wanna said that towards me ...? don u all wants LOVE ? CARE? and etc??
WEll evey1 have their own dreams.. and my dreams is this.. So u cant said me that.. think and think back whts ur dreams are, and i said that u are desprate on ur dreams? so does that makes sense??
hmm.. well... i just want to have a normal life like u all have. thats all.. whn feel bore, can find , whn feel happy, can share, whn feel sad, can get advise, whn feel lonely , can find " Teman"
this all i want, share each others , all the happy moment and share the sad moment togather too.. solve problems togather.. thats all i want for .. Nothn much~~
Well.. hopping to meet a right person, Ms Right HEHE...
Really hopping to Spend time with Ms Right... Hopping to Give all my love, care and everythin for her...
Well.. waiting and waiting... God told me to wait another 3 years whn i am 23... so now.. 1 year pass by..
Another 1 year more ... Hopping i will found 1 too~~ .. Praying hard..
i know every1 says that i am desprate for it.. but i don think this is call desprate ..
=,=!! really don know why, why they wanna said that towards me ...? don u all wants LOVE ? CARE? and etc??
WEll evey1 have their own dreams.. and my dreams is this.. So u cant said me that.. think and think back whts ur dreams are, and i said that u are desprate on ur dreams? so does that makes sense??
hmm.. well... i just want to have a normal life like u all have. thats all.. whn feel bore, can find , whn feel happy, can share, whn feel sad, can get advise, whn feel lonely , can find " Teman"
this all i want, share each others , all the happy moment and share the sad moment togather too.. solve problems togather.. thats all i want for .. Nothn much~~
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day Pass by all times....
day Pass by will nvr Stop,
everything will be just keep on Moving Forward,
No Turning Back,
No Regretz On Everything You Did Previously..
Hope To LooK Back And CHange everything..
Yet We cant do that...
That is Why, Nvr Regretz On Wht we Did...
Follow ITs Flow~~..
Hopping To Look Forward..
Hopping TO see new Life...
Hopping To See New Love..
Hopping To Gain Care...
Hoppping To Gain Love...
Hopping That there will some1 is waiting for me...
Hopping that i will hav a Good life....
But, GOD Will Not Simply Giv Some1 A Good Life Without any Reason....
God WIll Not Simply Giv some1 anything without secrefice..
WHY?? God Treated Certain People Like that... ITS Unfair...~~~
Just Wishing 2010 Year Will Bring Me Better Life then Before .. Hopping Everything Will COmes....~~~
day Pass by will nvr Stop,
everything will be just keep on Moving Forward,
No Turning Back,
No Regretz On Everything You Did Previously..
Hope To LooK Back And CHange everything..
Yet We cant do that...
That is Why, Nvr Regretz On Wht we Did...
Follow ITs Flow~~..
Hopping To Look Forward..
Hopping TO see new Life...
Hopping To See New Love..
Hopping To Gain Care...
Hoppping To Gain Love...
Hopping That there will some1 is waiting for me...
Hopping that i will hav a Good life....
But, GOD Will Not Simply Giv Some1 A Good Life Without any Reason....
God WIll Not Simply Giv some1 anything without secrefice..
WHY?? God Treated Certain People Like that... ITS Unfair...~~~
Just Wishing 2010 Year Will Bring Me Better Life then Before .. Hopping Everything Will COmes....~~~
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